Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mind rejuvenates your mind

Meditation is a qualitative aspect to revitalize your distorted mind.  It is also a natural and rewarding aspect of a human being by which one can enjoy a blissful life.  The more you practice, the more you have a calm effect on your mind.  As per Swami Yoganand, “Meditation is a deep concentration on God or one of his aspects.” I substantiate mediation as “enjoy your worldlings, detachment from the same for at least ten minutes a day for the Creator whose creation only you enjoy.”  The meditation makes you serene, calm and brings in inner peace and a feeling of oneness with the Creator.  The attentive practice of this powerful mechanism not only provides astonishing results on mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, but also soothes your feeling so as to induce your strength of character. The meditation stabilizes your sense of well being and connects you with your inner self to increase your vitality. If you do meditation regularly, it will provide you a joy of divine love.

There are three aspects of meditation, which are defined as relaxed, interiorisation and expansion.  The continued practice of meditation relaxes your mind, body, muscles and your soul.  When all these organs and senses are energized by the power of meditation, you will feel that the enjoyment of the worlds will be ephemeral and you will not be pervaded with this enjoyment at all. In short, your relaxed mind will prompt you to delve into your inner power to have an eternal illumination of interiorisation.  The relaxed mind and body will allow you to focus and concentrate one-pointedly, usually at the point between the eyebrows.  The power of mediation increases your concentration on the aspect of your own-self very deeply. Through the power of meditation, you will be able to expand your consciousness.

Many people take meditation as a rule of life. The edifications clubbed with eloquent speeches delivered by numerous saints, sages and yogis strongly recommend to perform a meditation on a regular basis.  But it is not so easy that you achieve your this objective smoothly. It needs dedication,  nonchalant behavior and self-imposed discipline and then only, you will be able to master and focus on this activity. If you practice regularly, you will become addicted to this power of life. By practicing even for ten to fifteen minutes, you will be able to enjoy the happiness of a spiritual life. When you meditate, you must ensure that your attention is not getting distracted at all. Then, you will be able to confluence your power of mind with Creator’s blessings because of which you get this precious life. The continual meditation, therefore, brings your mind and body to a state of equilibrium and the spirit generated by the power of mediation will sedate your waver mind.  When you reach this stage in your life, your discrimination power gets increased.  You will be able to immediately differentiate the good and bad deeds. When you maintain a family life, you have to get involved in many rituals and mundane issues, which can’t be evaluated in the eyes of spirituality.  Here, the mediation and its religious power evolved therein, save you.  You are always able to guard your senses against committing wrongdoings.

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Further, many people will be having a yearning to expand  their awareness to know the reality of life, desire to experience love with the Creator and also to aspire a joyous life  besmeared with the thoughts of God.  So, through the practice of meditation, you will be able to bring in the inner stillness for a solace and calmness. The profound knowledge in meditation  transcends all the barriers of life and reaches a level whereby you delve in the profundity of searching the power of mind, and you will be finding that the perception of reality comes from the intuition, but not from the logic. In today’s world, which is full of complexities, disharmonies and conflicts, we always find out the power of logic to conclude the desired results. This conceptual phenomenon needs to be changed.  Meditation is the only answer to make your body relaxed, the five senses are becoming less proactive and the mind becomes fully focused. You experience a ray of energy flowing through your mind and body.  This energy is very helpful to convert your conscious thoughts to supra-conscious spirit of awareness. In this way, your inner powers of  intuition are awakened.

Meditation causes to reduce your anxiety, stress, tension, desire for materialistic comfort and many other inherent and latent worldly affairs.  It also reduces your panic-stricken syndrome when you face  unpleasant and unbearable situations.  It provides adequate strength to combat your negative feelings arise out of fear psychology.  It also strengthens your immune system.  When you sit for meditation and you carry out the same, your breath slows, your blood pressure and metabolic rates decrease and the circulation and detoxification of the blood increases. Apart from these tangible benefits, the most praiseworthy help the meditation does, that it takes you slowly to the path of spiritual liberation.

The life afflicted with various desires sometimes makes you so blind that you forget the real purpose of your existence.  Your achievement of one goal leads  you to the yearning to achieve another goal and in this rat race, you are never able to still your mind.  Your energy is stored, vitalized and consumed and this cycle is continually going on unless you get exhausted. So, why to destroy your life permanently?  Sit for meditation, practice, relax, interiorize and expand your awareness.  Arouse your superconscious power and accept that the Creator’s creation is only the magic, and all of us are enacting a life drama based on His dictum and wishes.

No sooner, you will realize the above fact of life and the same gets increased by the power of meditation, you will be able to sedate your tottering mind to enjoy a God-oriented blissful life.

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