Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ineluctable violence in life to be eased non-violently

We are always encircled with a galore of problems in our lives. Some of them are eliminated  with our efforts and some other which  creates a nagging sensation   even after our thorough meddling, gives us a sleepless night and then get sorted out, but with a lot of painstaking efforts. But there are problems which are not easily solved, make us sometimes impatient and disgruntled and ultimately the entire situation goes out of control to convert the same into violence. Though most of  the people do not want any situation which leads to violence, but it occurs many times. Whenever any problem arises, people mostly search for an amicable solution with a thought of non-violence.  But the same does not mean that everything will be calm and quiet, full of silence, there will be no bickerings, jealousness, fighting or quarrels.  These all are the down to earth reality of our lives.  Some of us take it in the right spirit and consider the same as a passing phase, whereas some others take it seriously and attack the opposite persons with a vengeance causing the environment and surroundings violent.  That only disturbs the harmony and rhythm of life. It is  not always possible to remain absolutely  calm and quiet and search a space devoid of violence.  It will be there, how you react to the situation and handle the same depends on your maturity and inspiration to lead the life.

Today’s life is very fast, no one has time to consider other’s well beings and their feelings and under these circumstances, the chances are there that there will be a difference in opinion, clashes and argument on your day to day activities, which may upset you and at times, you won’t be able to find out any solution to the said happenings.  But instead of making the environment as violent, you have to adopt a strategy simulating that nothing serious has happened.  The total environment is to be converted for a peaceful discussion abuzz with the sweetness of chatter.  It is not so easy, but if it can be done, violence can be avoided.

Now, violence is such a situation in everybody’s life that it can be seen and understood across different forms.  For example, your close friend in your office starts arguing about a trivial issue of sports or say politics.  The discussions may turn beyond the control of justification and you get so enraged that you speak harsh words and humiliate him openly causing the environment a bit roguish.  As per Buddhist Vinaya texts, “Even a tiny grass hits the dead wood”; the same can be classified as violent.  In our daily lives, we definitely observe  violence. When we kick a street dog deliberately or intentionally, it is a sort of violence.  When you use bad mouth or utter some unpleasant words to your beloved, it has also been classified as a violence.  In a broader sense, any living being is subject to violence.  You can’t avoid this situation. But you only  have to accept, digest and ensure that the environment is not getting vitiated.  You may sulk, enrage and shout, but at the end, you have to accept to bear with the same just not to intensify the violence. To curb the violence, your visionary force must be inflamed; otherwise leading a harmonious  life will be next to impossible.

Further, you must understand the real meaning of non-violence. It is a vibrant sequence of life. It is not just the absence of violence.  The source of violence is formed by the mind.  Our mind only arouses us to cause violence, which is mostly related to uproarious thoughts, unruly desire and unwanted actions. We all have a sense of liking and disliking for persons and objects.  Like attracts like and  it is true in our life when we deal with others.  If a person is of your liking and he says unpleasant words, criticizes or even insults, you may digest. But if the person belongs to your non-liking segment, for a small comment of his, you will retaliate very seriously causing a violence beyond repairable.  The uproarious thoughts for the person whom you dislike may cause you angry and perhaps will, lead to the act of causing physical injury by any means.  You will be tempted by unruly desire, which many a time will provoke you to take unwanted actions of making harm or injustice severely.

Out of all the violent actions, killing is the most unpardonable crime.  It is a symbol of maximum violence.  Whether the killing is for any human being or an insect, the said act is against the wish of the Creator of this great world.  Taking someone’s life is  the biggest crime.

Non-killing is the most affable quality of any living being.  The basic principle of non-violence is to avoid taking life.  To accept this philosophy, at least for the human beings, a lot of perseverance, compassion, love and feelings for others are required.  Without these traits, it is simply not possible to curb the urge of inflicting harm or physical injuries to others.

Violence does not mean is to take  other’s life.  It can be of injurious words, hatred speech, sarcastic sentence and also giving affliction with vengeful criticisms.  Further, attacking, hitting out and insulting severely through a harsh  communication is also example of violence.

Finally, if you want to curb your urge to initiate unwanted actions, a well thought of spiritual action plan enriched with love and affection are to be inculcated in your habit.  You have to develop an attitude of non-aggression and that will replace the aggressive nature of yours and many like you in the society.  In today’s competitive world, whenever there will be an opportunity of a benefit, people will jump to acquire the same even though they have to displease and harm others.  This is  termed as a behavioral pattern of aggression. 

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If you restrain yourself from taking any unwanted action, even at the cost of your losing the benefit, you will be able to reduce the violence. Like you, when many people follow this practice, automatically violence will be reduced. 

Finally, the less aggression and the more the number of  the less aggressive people will increase, the more we will be happy to live together without much of the violence.  

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