Friday, January 22, 2016

Spend your energy in the right direction

When you want to raise your energy, increase your power of enthusiasm and want to receive the best possible results of your efforts, you must chalk out a strategic plan, and rigorously follow the same so as to achieve  any milestone in life. In the course of time, this plan is to be converted as a rule for regular practice. What is that rule? You must have a tendency of “right seeing.” Once you are able to frame up your mind in the direction of right seeing, your attention will be focused only on exotic things, which exists in all people and situation. When you are capable to visualize the positive aspects and also concentrate on the same that is inherent in everyone and everywhere, you bring it forth. At that point, this particular situation will create a magical expression on your face and it will glow. People will be very eager to know the reason of your secret of enlivenment and that is the power of ‘’right seeing.’’

The almighty has created this beautiful world and all wonders can be seen, if we desire. A mind which is full of dust in terms of worries, jealousy, hatred, anger and ego will never allow you to enjoy the charm of life. We need to  clean all dusts and make the mind tranquil and feel the positive energy everywhere. All beauties and wonders are around us.  Each day after we awake, are we asked to paint the sky blue? Need we urge the sun to rise and flowers bloom? Need we teach birds to sing or children laugh.  It surrounds us each day with its perfections. We are asked only to appreciate them by living happily in amidst them. The creator does not ask that we create a perfect world; he asks us, “just to celebrate it.” If you sit steadily and focus your concentration on the loveliness of everything around you, you will get a positive energy. This positive energy is a source of your power of right seeing. You control your mind in such a way that it will find loveliness everywhere; be it a vase of red flowers on the stool next to you or in the smile on your daughter’s face because of your making her happy or in the excitement on the face of your junior colleague when he found out a solution to a problem or in the kindness of your lawyer who accepts to plead your case on a nominal fee or in the magnanimity of your bank manager to accept your check after the banking hours. The list is endless and your observation on loveliness will be continued until the time you  stop your activity of right seeing. If you feel that something is far away for you to grab or something is very difficult to achieve or a particular task is beyond your capability or accomplish then perhaps you are not focusing your full attention on right seeing. Because, right seeing only induces your energy in the right direction and dictate you to observe everything around you positively. If you observe everything, always with a suspicious mind like low-minded, itty-bitty people, your strength of right seeing will reduce considerably.  The more you indulge in this activity, the more it will delude you. Suppose, for any reason, you feel gloomy, despondent or disappointed with yourself, you must focus your attention to your strength of right seeing and this will energize you to come out from this typical impasse. Try to count your strength everywhere in your life, your universe, your surroundings and your environment and then you will obtain power of life. Further, you visualize this power mentally to see the strength of a great tree, the strength of the ocean, the strength of the wind, rivers, anything and in this way, your mind will be strong. A strong mind with a dedicated attention will be in a position to see goodness. If you are mentally strong and able to see the goodness for all the activities you perform, probably you don’t have to be gloomy at all in your life. With the ability of seeing right, which is a development process in any human being, your life will be mostly blissful.

To enable you to right seeing, the power of wisdom or in simpler terms, intelligence factor plays a vital role.  Does your surrounding seem to be a lack of intelligent behavior? In that case, your outer world what you observe may not match with the inner power of right seeing. You need to practice always to see the presence of wisdom and intelligence. If the environment and the surrounding is not so, you have to search, simulate and then find out the wisdom and intelligence that are present everywhere. This is a higher focus and a high power of observation and it means focusing on the intelligence in your family members, in your neighbors and in all the people you meet. This must be a daily exercise for you. If you see carefully, you will find that intelligence is near and within your reach. It only needs right seeing.

So, with the ability of right seeing, you will be always in a position to see loveliness, goodness and strength of living beings and non-living beings around you. When you reach this stage in life, your mind becomes completely focused on the right seeing and the enormous power you develop will be instrumental for welfare of yours and your neighbors and everyone who get in touch with you.  

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