Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to acquire spiritual knowledge?

How to acquire spiritual knowledge?

It is not so easy, to acquire spiritual knowledge in-depth. Let us assume that you contemplate to leave all your possessions and decide to live in the jungle in the midst of trees, flowers, rivulet and nature; you may get a firsthand experience of secluded life and also can enjoy the beauty of nature. But, if you like all these natural beauties just to have a spiritual experience and acquire a higher level of consciousness, which will take you to divinity, your thinking may not be correct. At the most, you may obtain a solace and mental peace and also live in seclusion; you can practice how to attain spiritual knowledge. But unless you distribute and share your knowledge of spirituality with others, and you also increase the level of your knowledge learning from the company of others, you cannot call the same as an applied spirituality. The purpose of spirituality is to illuminate everybody’s inner body to the path of consciousness. That is why; there is a vast difference between a person who lives in the midst of his family members, relatives and neighbors and shares his spiritual experience with his fellow beings and the one, who lives in isolation in a jungle. Although many sages stay lifelong in the forest and on the mountain to acquire the spiritual wisdom, they also ensure to spread their teachings through their disciples.

Spirituality develops all kinds of constructive qualities of a person and then if he follows these qualities, he becomes a complete spiritual person. An individual when endowed with such a quality, he can control his negative emotions like anger, jealousy, greed, and dishonesty and so on, and then he is needed by the society and the nation to follow his teachings. At that time, he will be wasting his time and energy, if he decides to stay alone into the jungle to live in peace and tranquility. In fact, you can develop any society, and you can enrich and nourish them with spiritual knowledge. Once these numbers grow, you can train them properly so that they become competent spiritually. Then the numbers of their followers will also grow. In this way, the people will learn what is the necessity of spiritual path of living? Needless to say, the spirituality turns anyone into an ideal person.

If the custodians of any society want to establish a civilized society and desire all the people should live in peace and harmony, to ensure that there is a cordiality, there would be a need for more trained professionals with a spiritual and ethical bend of mind so as to manage the helm of the affairs. Without their vital contributions, the society cannot grow. The guidance of a spiritual person can guide the society properly, and he can propel the engine of the society along the night lamps. This spirituality is known as applied spirituality in the basic sense. The spirituality is an asset and the person who possesses it and increases its intensity with practice, is a sought off leader.

Now, spirituality is an individual matter, whereas applied spirituality is a universalized form of it. It is not only other persons get benefit from the applied spirituality, but the spiritual person himself also accrues benefits. When such a person teaches his experience to others, he acquires a new dimension. You can gain practical experience related to spiritual exchanges when you mingle with various persons in the society. Moreover, experience adds wisdom to one’s spirituality. Without wisdom, spirituality is incomplete. Spirituality, when added with wisdom, the same takes the spiritually devoted person to a higher level of self. Spirituality, being an inner quality, must be applied considering external actualization; otherwise, any amount of gain in this direction will be meaningless. Applied Spirituality means being in the society; you distribute your knowledge to the others, who seek the same. One, who is interested in doing so, he is not only increasing the society’s awareness of spirituality but also making him a complete accomplished preacher of spiritual knowledge. If you like to live as a well-wisher of everybody and want to serve the mankind, then you are one, who get engaged in applied spirituality, and it is known as known to be ‘Margdarshak.’ If you have a bad experience with your neighbors, but avoid that unpleasant situation and give him smile while greeting, then that itself shows your tenacity to provide applied spirituality. Spirituality comprises a set of defined values, which need to be followed to increase the knowledge related to spirituality.

Applied philosophy means practicing the same taking every one of the society in unison so that all people feel in the same direction. Applied Spirituality is a matter of giving and not taking anything in return. If anyone thinks in that wavelength, the purpose of sharing applied spirituality will be destroyed. Of course, the giver is giving without any vested interests, but God behind everybody’s eyes, provide appreciation, recognition, goodwill, more mental peace and spiritual wisdom to the person, who gets all these as a receiver.

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