Saturday, April 21, 2012

Unlock your mental Powers

Your brain is an extraordinary organ. It has a magical power,in the sense it can guide you by thinking in proper direction and also it can mislead you inducing negative thoughts.When you are calm,you are relaxed, your neocortex,your thinking brain is fully energised ,active and available to you. But when you become anxious or angry,your neocortex shuts down,like all the lights in a building being turned off.When you become emotional and sentimental about a problem,you are just guided by your thinking power derived from paleocortex which is limbic or emotional brain.From my study of self-help books supported by research, paleocortex is responsible for your impulsive decisions.That means you take  write decision at the wrong time or wrong decision at the right time.
Your emotional brain has two states: fight or flight.When you become fearful or you encapsulated with severe anxieties or simply anxious  about a problem in either state,you can quite easily slip into a state of denial,anger or blame.You may feel like lashing out or attacking or you may want to ignore the problem and hope that it will be subsidised automatically.
Through this short essay,I strongly recommend that one has to unlock his mental power to become successful in all his endeavours in life.For instance,if you use the word opportunity , it will create a magical sensation in your neocortex  and  so instead of saying "We have a problem', you must think and say "We have an unexpected opportunity" and  you have to practice  this concept repeatedly which will automatically unlock your mental power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice article on mental power