Saturday, November 14, 2015

Spread the love beyond the boundary

We all like to be guided by our sensual feelings. When we feel hungry, we eat to satiate our hunger.  When we feel thirsty, we drink water to quench our thirst. We study books to increase our knowledge.  We visit temples to seek God’s blessings.  We love each other to show our sympathy, compassion, bonding and sexual gratification.  All these sensual feelings give rise to various types of emotions, which is very common to all living beings.  Through these emotional feelings, we can reach other.  Supposed, a man is thirsty and you provide him a glass of water, you reach him.  In this way, we are able to connect to other human beings and then, to nature and finally, the universe.  This emotion is increased when you power, the feeling with love. With this feeling of love, you can cross any boundary, barriers, obstacles, impediments, if not physically, but mentally. Ultimately, you  create an image of universal motherhood.


The greatest flowering, which is possible to bloom on this earth, is love.  A red colored beautiful rose blossoms quite naturally even from a small plant. In the way flower blooms, love also sprouts in our hearts and then, expands for the good causes. Love expands to create brotherhood. Love spreads the message of compassions. It removes hatred.  It brings harmony. It provides equanimity in the society. We should encourage the spreading of love.  We should not confine this love in a boundary.  We should love each other without any expectation.  It is really encouraging to observe the power of love when the strength and beauty of two hearts emerge that love each other.  Love can be compared both with the cool freshness of the full moon and the brilliance of the sun’s rays.  Why this similarity is drawn? Because, when love extends for the purpose of showing kindness, compassion and to help others in the distance, it is as pure as the moon’s coolness.  When this same love is interpreted for bodily and sensual actions, then, the same is treated like the scorching heat of the bright sun.  When a sun ray pierces the body, giving a burning sensation; we get exhausted. In the same way, the love with impurity and ill feelings destroy us.


A beautiful pair of husband and wife may say, “We are living together in mutual love.” They may be often fighting, but just to show off, they pretend their love and affection for each other.  This is a gross misconception of true love.  Love is an object given to us by God.  It is free.  One can take it, utilize it and savor its fragrance like a flower.  But the pretension in love will be construed as a make-believe love. It is beyond imagination.  You cannot love anything in your imagination.  Mentally, you can dream, but if you want to love a human being, you have to do so physically.  Love can not be imagined as a fake, it is to be lived. Wearing a mask, if you pretend to love, it must be removed.  Because, when you pollute the love, it loses its purity. It only happens in the absence of humility or the spirit of compromise.  Love is such a sacred aspect that you have to think its eternal beauty with your mind.  Unless you exert your openness and embrace upon anyone or any object with your love, the same will be known as an artificial behavior. For example, if you are not really thirsty, you will not touch the bottle of water lying on your table.  On the contrary, if you are very thirsty and you happen to pass through a river, you will bend down and take some water in your hand to quench your thirst.   


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In the case of conjugal love, when a man and a woman are involved, it is seen that after a certain period of time, they suspect each other.  In the disguise of loving relationship, they are not able to show this behavior because the sacredness of love is missing in today’s world.  When you cast a suspicion in a loving relationship, the longevity and the health of the persons involved  will suffer. This suspicion is also a one type of disease. When someone is afflicted with this kind of disease, he or she loses the concentration power to listen to the other person’s opinion thoroughly. An antagonizing feeling is being developed in the mind of the person.  In that case, the feeling of love will be less and the feeling of hatred will be more.  In this type of behavior, the relationships are destroyed.  Despite all these odds, we have not lost love forever.  By any chance, if love fades away, the world will be nothing less than a battlefield. Love exists  always in every person.  Simply, we have to inflame this for the better relationship.  We can never allow love to get extinguished.  We must ensure the importance of love.  We must respect, worship and show our faith in a divine power.  This power is not extrinsic; it is intrinsically developed within yourself.  If we want to discover this power, you must practice the same relentlessly. So, we have to spread love all over the surrounding.  To spread the power of love, we need to adjust our perspectives.  For example, while writing something on a paper, we focus on our thoughts, but not on the paper or the pen.  These papers and pen are the media only; the perspective is to write exercising the power of our thoughts.



Today, we live in an artificial world.  We give more emphasis on the artificial activities and follow cut short in every affair. The definition of humanity is brought down to the level of insincerity. Men and women have lost the power to provide the real cause of life and its sustainability.  They completely forget the fundamental reason that life is love. When we read, we must focus our attention to grasp what the words and its juxtaposition want to convey.  We must also know the fact that the paper, on which the words are written, is the substratum. In the same way, all of us, including our next generation must recognize the fact that the life’s core message is love.  Once this feeling of brotherhood is established, all afflictions will disappear and everyone will live in peace.




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