Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Identify the difference between a physical computer and a life computer

Can you identify the similarity of functions of a computer with a real life?  To a certain extent, it is identical.  How a computer works?  It basically works on the basis of some inputs programed in the system.  On its own, a computer cannot do anything. But on our own, we can perform many things in life. We are able to operate a computer when some software programs are downloaded to it. These software programs carry out different tasks and functions.  Almost all the computers are same, but they are operated differently based on the various softwares inbuilt in the same. Human beings and their lives are like computer hardwares. We are born with the same types of operating parts. By divine power, we all have a physical body, a system governing the functions of the body and we have the privilege to have a most sensitive organ, namely the brain like the CPU in a computer. This particular part of our body takes various signals of the body system and senses the same to give signals to us for our performing various duties and functions. Based on the inputs provided by our intelligent system, we fulfill our  desires, actions and implementation of those activities most of the time in the right direction. The major difference between the computer and our life is that in a computer, control of the signal and other programs are done by the combination of the hardware and the software, whereas in our life, we control the bodily system to act and perform our duties as suitable for us. In the case  of computers, we  load the software as we want. Though there is a similarity between the two, but the computer system is completely governed by the human dictum whereas our life system, though governed by our willpower, determination and healthy system of eating and sleeping, the same is influenced tremendously by the inputs of the surrounding environment. We take various inputs from our society. We get it from our parents, teachers, friends and neighbors. Most of the time, we are being influenced by their opinions, advices and support services without knowing whether they are right or wrong, at least in our formative years. We have to depend on their judgement as the computers depend solely on the combination of the hardware and the software for its performance. In our life, after getting various inputs from different sources, we try to accommodate the same to our needs.
It is a customary practice that we always download the various inputs of society into ourselves. If we are able to recognize our own identities in the real sense, that means, our true self, which is known as soul, we will be able to identify that the society’s offerings in the form of various inputs are not fulfilling ourselves, in reality. The true self is not that interested to be besmeared with the fun and frolic getting downloaded from the society. The soul only wants to have the experience of divinity and its bliss, love and ecstasy.  Our soul is only getting nourished by the love and the light of the divine. In a real sense, if you want to radiate your presence nourished with divine blessings, you need to download God. With the contemplative power of prayer, when you enrich your soul and you carry out only all sorts of moral activities, you can be successful in your activity of downloading God. Most of us  pray, but we miss to download God in our system. The fundamental difference between the life system and the computer system is  this power of prayer. 


After making our body still; we try to sedate our mind, but convolute in the various affairs of the world and continually downloading the same. This is the problem and in this process, we pollute our thoughts and impure our soul. We always fill our system with the happenings of the past, whims and fancies related to fantasies reserved for the future and thoughts pertaining to the ego, envy, hatred, lust and anger. We are mostly crumbled with the desires of our ingratiating senses. The contemplative prayer and meditation should be flawless and must be performed effortlessly. We must close our eyes and observe what is lying in front of us in religious perspective.  No sooner, we will be able to reach that stage, we will progress rapidly. In the midst of a meditation, when we feel our true self, we should not be disturbed by external environment and various mundane thoughts evolve thereupon. As stated earlier to download God, we need to keep our mind still and practically thoughtless. When we are not thinking and keeping our mind still, we will be able to access God. When we get busy in prayer and religious hymns, if we are continually disturbed by various worldly thoughts, we cannot download the power of the Almighty and program the same properly. The question may come, “Do I need to run behind worldly thoughts?” or “Do I want to absorb in prayer wholeheartedly?” We have to select and choose the path correctly. 

This simple idea of moral living can put us in the right track to focus our attention within us.  If we are able to educate and train ourselves to follow to do this, a habit of practicing religious principles will grow, which will lead us on the path to identify our true selves. This habit will make your mind still while you carry out meditation. Your mind will not be agitated with any type of sensualities while you are getting engaged in your prayer.  Now, you will be able to see a tremendous positive result in meditation and will be mentally moving through the white blanket of bliss and altruistic movements. You will be enjoying a divine ecstasy.  By your power of meditation, if you download God into your mental frame of thinking, you will actually merge your nature back to your source, which is the abode of your soul. This soul guides you to tap your eternal wisdom, bliss, happiness, enlivenment and divine love. Many times, we do not recognize the ecstasy of divine love and platonic love in this physical world.  Our soul is always contended and fulfilled by union with God.  It is not satisfied by anything of this world. Secluding the concept of soul and the power of prayer, our life is like a computer, which functions based on the combination of hardware and other programs duly downloaded  from the various sources. Apart from all these programs, if we  can download God and His blessings in our life system, we will run our lives without any virus. Some people are able to download God and His wishes in their life system, just to enjoy their lives with love and peace.  And, they extend  these fundamental values to each and everyone. 

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