Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to overcome the allurement of Maya?

How to overcome the allurement of Maya?
In our life, we all are influenced by many things.  Sometimes, we are so much afflicted with these worldly affairs that we are not able to come out from its  Maya. At that point of time, we forget the real purpose of life. This Maya is nothing but an illusion.  Do we really know what this illusion is?  Einstein believed that a “deeper and more complex theory” of reality would one day emerge from his equation, but till that time everything is in an illusory state. Today also It is true.  We define the intuitive reality, exercising the power of our various senses, namely observing, grasping, comprehending and doing the interpretation.  You can also do the introspection of the intuitive reality through the power of memory and mental agility, but that would be limited to your intuitive power. Most of us believe in the afterlife.  This is a philosophical thought process, but the people who always search the real purpose of living believe this more.  While the learned people not based on  academic brilliance only, but also based on spiritual affinity, believe that the undiscovered postulates underlying reality confirms  expectations of the deeper meaning of a profound reality.  If we delve into this theory, we can understand the meaning of life is not  a measure of a mere fragment of living.  That is why, we should  not live in a diminutive life?

It is always advisable to get rid of this Maya’s tentacle grip.  This will allow you to energize with a broader vision of individual identity as well as you can understand the importance of collective vision. Unless you come out from the snare of Maya, you will not be able to visualize the meaning of reality.  Once you  are able to do so, you will be free from all contradictions, ambiguities and dualities.  It is not so easy to transcend the snare of Maya. It needs a lot of motivation, willpower, perseverance and dedication not to accept the embellishment of all worldly greediness. You need to have a strong willpower to cross Maya’s allurement. Otherwise, you will be just carried away with its provocations and you won’t be able to ascertain the true meaning of life and without any meaningful achievement, you will  end  your life journey. To understand this, we must give less attention to “who we are,” and “what we think,” to advocate our existence. Contrarily, we must give attention what we are not.  It is better to avoid ego and its related identities. When you are able to surmount this inbuilt trait, you will be able to understand your true identity.  But can we do that? Can you forget your own existence?  Can we accept less value of ours?  In no way, we can do so. Because we cannot reject the myopic of ego and its influence, though we know the same is very harmful. We are aware that it only creates impediments.   By any chance, if  we are able to practice the  technique not to embrace the myopic of ego constraints, we can add a greater value to our lives. At that stage, we will be to think that rather than chasing a wrong notion of “who we are,”we must focus on “what we can become.”  This said thinking is an illusion, which is an error of perception that can be corrected.  You only need to minimize your fear of insignificance. The fear of insignificance gives rise to identity crises.

If you like to reduce the fear of insignificance, you need to give persistent efforts.  Just by exercising mental willpower, if you put efforts for a few days, you cannot minimize this barrier.  If you would like to establish your presence in this world, you need to search for a  reality.  The nature of dualities will always make you to distract from putting wholehearted desires to recognize your true self.  You will be always in a fear of losing the importance of “I”.  But this losing of the importance of “I” itself is an illusion.  This illusion only makes you to see everything through a myopic observation getting influenced by ego. For this reason, the best solution is to minimize the identity attached to “I”.  In this way, you can come from the cluster of identifying limitations. Once the identity limitation is not influencing you, you can overcome Maya.

Apart from the above identity limitation, you can exercise your mind power to expand your perception level. To expand the perception level, you have to reduce your dependence on the attachment of self-ego. The self-ego propels you in the wrong direction of reactionary thoughts.  While minimizing attachment to perception, which is derived from “thought experiments”, we are always in constraints to overcome many ifs and buts.
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To search out for a more profound reality, you have to rely on humanness.  This aspect is completely forgotten today.  At the fag end of the life, most of us realize the importance of humanness, but before that we seldom give any value to this.  Can we expect our survival without performing daily rituals like eating, sleeping or excreting wastes from our body?  It is not possible as we cannot ignore the rules specified by nature.  Then, why we forget humanness?  Basically, to enjoy various materialistic comforts, we create artificial intelligence below us. We are guided by its power and we try to evaluate everything based on this artificial creation of knowledge.  We continuously create this artificial intelligence, so that we are benefited for all our deeds, most of which will be bad and sometimes of evil nature. Can we call this artificial intelligence as Maya? If you like to view yourself from a point of your close observation, which provides the means of seeing yourself, you will find that your identification is based on illusion.  You need to search for a greater and more reality to transcend this Maya.

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