Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Grace of God is the greatest wealth in our life

If you are able to obtain the blessings of God in each and every state of affairs of your life, you must be a wealthy fellow  mentally. This wealth is not related to your fat bank balance, huge tangible assets or glamorous grandeur you possess. This is a feeling of sanctity of divinity and if you are a moral and a religious person, then, you can accumulate this wealth or grace of God. This concept of obtaining the grace of God is indicated in all the religions.  In fact, all most all the  religion and their scriptures, hymns and mantras vehemently proclaim that human beings must accomplish their duties in such a way that God showers His blessings because these blessings are mandatory for the upliftment of human beings. This grace of God ultimately makes you to resist your temptation not to indulge in any unlawful activities.  It is the  influence that is channeled through human beings to reproduce moral values and sanctify to inspire noble qualities to guide you to the correct path of living. This grace of God is a divine blessing, which  strengthens your character, not to involve in any kind of immoralities  and nullify evil wishes inflicted to you by societies’ various odd elements. Grace in other word, is “God’s unbiased favor.”  It will be bestowed on a person even he does not deserve so.  It is not a dormant quality, but a real life working principle. God does not discriminate and He also not requires your signal; He is extending His blessings perpetually despite the fact of your appreciate the same or not. One should not misinterpret that God’s grace is a favor. It should not be equated with mercy. Grace and mercy are different propositions. Mercy is a favor and it is God’s decision, which He may shower on you or not  depending on your good deeds or the sin committed by you and the gravity of the same. In the case of grace, it is His spontaneous and endless desires given to all the  human beings. People often say that we don’t get God’s mercy. The reason is that God does not consider any reason why the human beings perform misdeeds and then seek the shelter of mercy and so, you are deprived of His mercy. But God does not deny anybody from His grace,  you receive an eternal life and  also the promise of very many good  things although many times you do not deserve the same.  

In every religion, the significance and importance of grace are explained predominantly. As per the Christian religion, grace is a continuous process. In any religion, most people’s life is driven and empowered by grace.  As Roman says, “We stand in grace.  Dwelling in grace is a form of life.”  In Islam also, a person cannot achieve the stage of the summum bonum of heaven by his own deeds.  It is only possible to achieve by Allah’s grace.  It is mostly indicated that unless you receive Allah’s wishes and blessings, you cannot get into paradise. In the case of Hindu mythology, it is said that one cannot attain Moksha without Almighty’s grace and a firm faith in His ability.  This belief in His ability will make you nearer to the spiritual realm transcending all the bondages of good or bad Karmas earned in your several births.  It is also said that grace is the only medium, which can take us from the spiraling effects of all the past and accumulated Karmas.  This phase of receiving the grace of God is very important to attain Moksha in life.  You may have to be  philosophically induced to understand these high level thoughts.  God does not like to be a deciding authority to opine who is to be blessed and who is to be cursed? It is not His wish because He loves everyone despite his functions, status, deeds and moralities.  He let it leave to human beings and their course of various activities. Because of this, there is a subtle difference  between grace and the actions of Karma. If one is thinking that God’s grace is the sole arbiter of human destiny, then what happens to the various choices and options exercised by human beings on their own. 

God has no stipulation by which it is proven that some people are authorized to receive His grace, whereas some others are not supposed to get the same.  In other words, God has no biased action plan for any particular person to whom grace is to be bestowed fully or partially.  He gives this to all unconditionally. It is you to feel and enjoy the same. 

Many pious persons edify that we human beings must mingle with a religious type of persons to do good deeds and to ensure the benefits of others and help  people who are in distress.  In this way, it is possible to achieve salvation, but for that also, God’s grace is a must.  Without His grace, it is not possible to get good company. This attitude towards grace will make you think to attain Moksha. Can an individual perform anything to seek the grace or even carry on such activities which are dependent on grace?  Is it possible to break your dependence on grace?  You cannot come out of this cycle; you must try always for God’s attention and His grace. And, you can do so by loving and helping others, behaving friendly with them and show your compassion to all.  If you serve others through your deeds and words, God will be pleased with you and there is no need to seek grace; it will automatically reach you.  Grace is such a power of God, which will illuminate your inner sense of seeing all as your own.  People, who are always positive and not have any harmful, vested and destructive attitude, are chosen by God for bestowing His grace even though they may have some odd qualities. That does not mean that God’s grace is limited to those people only; it is for everybody and for all the time. You must have a feeling and religious attitude to understand and accept the same.    

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